Using Quarto for Making and Organizing Teaching Materials

3:25 - 3:45

Demo how to use Quarto to create and organize teaching materials, introduce resources and templates for getting started with Quarto for organizing your own teaching materials, and share best practices.

Maria Tackett


In addition to creating reproducible documents, Quarto offers a rich suite of options for creation slide decks, books, and websites, allowing instructors to create all of their teaching materials reproducibly. In this talk we will demo how we’ve been using Quarto to create and organize teaching materials, introduce resources and templates for getting started with Quarto for organizing your own teaching materials, and share best practices.



Photo of Maria Tackett

Maria Tackett is an Assistant Professor of the Practice in the Department of Statistical Science at Duke University. Her research focuses on understanding factors that impact students’ sense of belonging in introductory math and statistics courses with the aim to identify pedagogies that foster community and a supportive learning environment. She’s an active member of the statistics education community and its effort to make statistics more engaging and accessible for all students.