Quarto and automation in teaching statistical computing

3:05 - 3:25

Discuss the use of GitHub actions and Quarto to provide automated feedback to students in a variety of statistical computing courses spanning the undergraduate and graduate curriculum and make use of both R and Python.

Colin Rundel


In this talk we will discuss the use of GitHub actions and Quarto to provide automated feedback to students in a variety of statistical computing courses. These courses span the undergraduate and graduate curriculum and make use of both R and Python. The flexibility and power of the Quarto framework provide for the development of common tooling and workflows that can be adapted the specific needs of each course. We will provide concrete examples of how these tools are currently being used in these courses as well as discussing how they can be extended and adopted for new courses.



Photo of Colin Rundel

Colin Rundel is Associate Professor of the Practice at Duke University where he has been teaching since 2012. His work focuses on teaching statistical computing to both undergraduate and graduate students in both R and Python.