From Zero to Website in Twenty Minutes with Quarto


Charlotte Wickham


As a data professional, at some point, you’ll want a website, whether it’s for yourself, a project, or a research group. Quarto is a great way to make one: build your site with plain text files that you can edit in your favorite tool and check in to version control; structure your content into folders and pages in a way that makes sense to you; create content that includes code and its output; and generate listing pages that help readers navigate collections of content like projects, publications or people.

In this talk, I’ll walk you through the process from scratch. You’ll see how to get started with a basic template and then edit it to your needs, including adding pages, customizing navigation, adding a blog or other listing, personalizing the appearance, and getting it online.


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Full screen slides

Annotated notes


Photo of Charlotte Wickham

Charlotte works at Posit, PBC on the Developer Relations team with a focus on Quarto.