Slide 1 title

Slide 1 content - this slide has a title:

✅ Check out the URL of the slide – the slide title is the slug in the URL

✅ Check out the presentation outline in the hamburger menu - the slide title also shows up there

Slide 2 content - this slide has no title:

❌ Check out the URL of the slide – the slide doesn’t have an informative slide id that’s used as the slug in the URL

❌ Check out the presentation outline in the hamburger menu – the slide doesn’t have an informative title, instead content from the slide is abbreviated as placeholder

Slide 3 content - this slide has no title, but has the following defined in the title instead:

#slide3-id - which shows up in the URL for the slide

data-menu-title="Slide 3 title for outline" - which shows up in the presentation outline in the hamburger menu on the slides