Fenced echo


Mine Çetinkaya-Rundel


June 29, 2022

echo: fenced

If you, like me, spend most of your time writing teaching materials or documentation, I’m sure you’ll find the chunk option echo: fenced just as useful as I do! When you set this option for a code chunk, the chunk is displayed with the fences around it – without a screenshot or using a special verbatim engine.

To get code chunks printed out as

#| label: simple-arithmetic
#| results: hide

1 + 1

add the echo: fenced option to your chunk:

#| echo: fenced
#| label: simple-arithmetic
#| results: hide

1 + 1

Note that in the output all chunk options other than echo: fenced are shown, so this is a great tool for teaching chunk options as well.

Learn more

Fenced echo execution option