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Enrollment and Outcomes
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Enrollment and Outcomes

Consort diagram.

In [1]:
In [2]:
# use 
# use the consort package to generate a CONSORT diagram using the indo_rct dataset, much like the picture below
N <- 799
trialno <- sample(c(1000:2000), N)
exc1 <- rep(NA, N)
exc1[sample(1:N, 197)] <- sample(c("Did not meet inclusion criteria", "Met exclusion criteria", "Did not undergo ERCP"),  15, replace = TRUE, prob = c(0.858, 0.0558, 0.086))
Warning in exc1[sample(1:N, 197)] <- sample(c("Did not meet inclusion
criteria", : number of items to replace is not a multiple of replacement length
induc <- rep(NA, N)
induc[] <- trialno[]

exc2 <- rep(NA, N)
exc2[sample(1:N, 1)] <- sample(c( "Could not hold suppository"), 1, replace = TRUE, prob = c(0.0039))
exc2[] <- NA

arm <- rep(NA, N)
arm[] <- sample(c("Conc", "Seq"), sum(, replace = TRUE)
arm3 <- sample(c("Indomethacin", "Placebo"), N, replace = TRUE)
arm3[] <- NA

df_consort <- data.frame(trialno, exc1, induc, exc2, exc1, arm, arm3)
rm(trialno, exc1, induc, exc2, exc1, arm, arm3, N)
Warning in rm(trialno, exc1, induc, exc2, exc1, arm, arm3, N): object 'exc1'
not found
  data = df_consort,
  order = list(
  trialno = "Population",
  exc1 = "Excluded",
  induc = "Induction",
  exc2 = "Excluded",
  arm3 = "Randomized patient",
  trialno = "Finished Followup",
  trialno = "Final Analysis"
  side_box = c("exc1", "exc2"),
  allocation = "arm3",
  labels = c(
  "1" = "Screening", "2" = "Randomization",
  "3" = "Assignment", "5" = "End of study"
 cex = 0.7
Enrollment and Outcomes.